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The transition to a low-carbon society includes new prosumer roles linking renewable energy production and consumption by use of smart technologies. To guide this low-carbon transition, new theory development on the role of technological systems in everyday life is needed.



The transition to a low-carbon society includes new prosumer roles linking renewable energy production and consumption by use of smart technologies. To guide this low-carbon transition, new theory development on the role of technological systems in everyday life is needed.

Focus on three directions

1. The importance of gender and social structures, 2. The role of the ethical consumer in developing new practices and 3. The inclusion of non-humans as carriers and performers of practices.


eCAPE is financed by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. eCAPE received an ERC Advanced Grant worth 2.11 million Euro under the grant agreement number 786643

Project period: 01/11/2018 → 1/5 2025